Quantum Technology Workforce Monitoring Report

Job Growth Resumes in Quantum Tech

New job announcements in the quantum technology sector surged 8.3% globally in September, signaling a return to industry expansion. North America saw a notable increase of 14.4%, while Europe reported a 4.5% rise. However, the rest of the world experienced a slight decline of 0.2%, an improvement from August’s figures.

September’s uptick follows the typical summer hiring slowdown, and October data is anticipated to provide further insights into ongoing industry growth.

Job Posting Changes: September 2024

Region September 2024 August 2024
Global +8.3% +2.4% (previously 1.1%)
Europe +4.5% -7.4% (previously -9.5%)
North America +14.4% +19.8% (previously 19.6%)
Rest of World -0.2% -9.4% (unchanged)

The QTech Workforce Monitor Report compiles data from publicly announced job openings within the quantum technology sector. This report is published monthly on the QED-C Blog. The next update will be available on November 7, 2024.