Safe Quantum

If you are an IT security professional or senior leader whose organization depends on keeping critical data secure, you need to be ahead of the quantum future. Because it’s not a question of IF data will be compromised using quantum science, it’s a matter of WHEN. Safe Quantum provides: Strategies to becoming a quantum-safe entity, Stress-testing and trouble-shooting crypto-agile strategies, Design of proof-of-concept demonstrations. For companies seeking to introduce or expand on quantum technology: Strategies for market-entry and exits Technology and business planning Entrepreneur-as-a-Service. Visit website

Product categories and research areas

Applications / Systems
  • Communication & Networks
  • Consulting
  • Investment
  • Legal
  • Professional Services
End Users
  • General

Key products

  • Strategies for market-entry and exits
  • Technology and business planning
  • Entrepreneur-as-a-Service
  • Expert witness services

Get in touch with Safe Quantum

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