Vescent Technologies
Vescent manufactures and sells quantum enabling laser technologies. Our products are designed for: i) ease of use to accelerate research and development and ii) rugged turn-key operation for deployed systems. From rugged, very low size weight and power optical frequency combsfor deployed clocks and sensors to miniaturized micro-optics modules that put an optics lab into a deployable package the size of a deck of cards, we are enabling quantum to transition from the laboratory to the field. Our products include laser control electronics such as offset phase locks to eliminate power consumptive AOMs, high bandwidth laser servos, and precision temperature and current control. Visit website
Product categories and research areas
- End Users
- General
- Applications / Systems
- Timing
- Hardware Components
- Light Sources & Detectors
- Optics & Photonics
- Electronics / RF / Microwave
- Lasers
Key products
- Deployable optical frequency combs
- atom-trapping and cooling lasers
- offset phase lock servos
- laser lock boxes
- laser current controllers