US-Netherlands hold quantum industry roundtable

A virtual roundtable among US and Dutch quantum industry players — small and large — took place in July organized by QED-C and Quantum Delta NL. Participants agreed upon the need for strong collaboration to advance both science and practical applications, build a quantum talent pool and create a robust supply chain.

Main takeaways included:

  • The growing quantum industry should invest in joint activities in the areas of pre-competitive (research) collaboration, (production of) critical components and (finding suitable near-term) applications.
  • It is vital to lower the barriers for collaborations and co-creation, because too much focus on IP protection in this early stage can slow down tech development.
  • National programs can play a supportive role in various areas, including trust-building, roadmapping, matchmaking, pilot project support and talent exchange programs.
  • Best practices can be learned from SRC and SEMATECH (in the US) and IMEC and CERN (in Europe).
  • The emerging quantum supply chains need to be better connected across the Atlantic.
  • As a next step, QED-C and Quantum Delta NL will host various follow-up meetings, including tentatively at Q2B in December in Santa Clara, CA. Stay tuned!