Jake Douglass

Jake Douglass is a Technical Business Development Specialist at Sandia National Labs, where he leads Quantum Business Development for Sandia’s Quantum Information Science (QIS) portfolio. Jake has a B.S. in Chemistry from New Mexico Tech and an MBA from NM Highlands University, the combination of which allows him to both follow his passion for business and pursue his technical curiosity through QIS. Jake works closely with Sandia’s QIS leadership to develop game-changing new programs at the Laboratories in support of Sandia’s national security mission. Jake works on a continuum of business development functions at Sandia, including program development, strategic planning, workforce development, and partnerships. Additionally, Jake is engaged in the broader quantum ecosystem through his role as Workforce Development Lead and Operations Deputy for the Quantum Systems Accelerator, one of five DOE-SC NQISRCs, through his engagement with the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) where he serves as the Vice Chair for the Quantum Workforce TAC, as well as several other regional partnerships such as Quantum New Mexico. When not engulfed in the world of QIS, Jake enjoys challenging new board games, playing various sports, home renovation projects, and spending time with friends, family and his four awesome pets.