Quantum computing policy priorities
Executive summary
QED-C published the report Toward a Resilient Quantum Computing Supply Chain: Response to the American COMPETE Act in June 2022. The QED-C supply chain report identified 45 federal government policy recommendations, organized into the nine categories of federal action. In June of 2022, QED-C conducted a separate study of the prospects for creating public-private partnerships (PPPs) for the purpose of accelerating the time horizon for meaningful applications of quantum computing. The partnerships report complements the supply chain report and made three additional federal policy recommendations, bringing the total number of recommendations across both reports to 48.
In order to prioritize this expansive set recommendations, QED-C conducted a survey of its member companies during September and October of 2022. The survey asked respondent companies to rate each recommendation on a scale of one to six, where one indicated “extremely low” priority and six indicated “extremely high” priority. This brief reports on the results of the QED-C policy prioritization survey.
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